• A wanton desire for normalcy

    In 2016, I fell ill with a mystery ailment that, to this day, doctors have never been fully able to understand. The primary symptom was jamais vu, which is sort of yin to déjà vu‘s yang—instead of the foreign feeling

  • Moving pixels

    My mom moved my younger brother and I half-way across the country not long after I celebrated my 10th birthday. We left a lot of the life we knew in the San Diego suburb of La Jolla behind—mostly because a

  • Poison pill

    I remember very clearly the flood of emotions I felt in the otherwise hazy weeks of November 2016. I was disconnected by so much of what I was experiencing, but the anger—the betrayal—was heavy and thick. I watched the primaries

  • The kindest people on earth

    (Originally written on September 2, 2014) This month is the beginning of a very full life for me; tomorrow, I start working on my Master’s degree. On top of working two jobs, full time graduate school is daunting. For weeks,